iMarksman® TRAP Shooting
iMarksman® SPORT's mission is to promote safe, fair, and fun practice for TRAP Shooting competitors of all ages and skill levels.
The portable, efficient, and user-friendly system recreates the specific form of clay target shooting. The system records the shooter's scores.
Increase your speed and accuracy at home or in the classroom.
No special environment is required (works in regularly lighted classrooms or meeting rooms).
Steel Challenge Shooting simulator from iMarksman® SPORT is compatible with Smokeless Range Lasershot.
- Ability to change the background.
- Original Rules
- TRAP Shooting Simulator Software/Hardware:
◉ iMarksman® Trap Shooting Simulator Software software (unlimited warranty)
◉ iMarksman® RED Calibration Sensor Camera (1-year warranty) and calibration software (unlimited warranty)
◉ G12 Dry Fire RED Laser Cartridge
◉ RED Camera Filter
◉ Tripod
Do you only need the software or add other games? Click Here to Purchase
Additional Recommended Equipment
If you're just getting started with iMarksman, you may not have all the equipment necessary. That's ok! Here are some of our top choices (that we use ourselves). Please note that we do not support any 3rd party hardware issues.
Top Choices
Short Throw Projector (great for limited space)
Regular Throw Projector (general-purpose projector)
BenQ WXGA Business Projector (MW560)
3. Miscellaneous
Indoor Projection Screen (120")